A tool for FX risk management
Treasury Intelligence is foreign exchange (FX) risk made simple.
It’s an easy-to-use tool for understanding your FX risk and testing your strategy in real-time. This new FX risk management software enables you to understand your business’ foreign currency exchange risk and develop hedging strategies to manage and mitigate your FX exposures.
What is Treasury Intelligence?
Understand your FX risk and test your strategies in real time
Manage your data and reporting in one place
Enjoy a single and secure data source for your FX strategies, positioning and compliance reporting needs.
This will allow you to easily build and test FX hedging strategies and discover your FX exposure risk.
Make informed decisions on FX risk management
Test, project and flex the impact of proposed FX hedging on your current and projected profile.
As the latest forex risk management tool, Treasury Intelligence will help you develop the right FX solutions.
Access PwC's independent and trusted advisors to find FX solutions
Receive proactive, independent and tailored recommendations from PwC New Zealand's FX risk management experts to help you navigate volatile markets.
This advice on FX exposure will make sure you find the next solution for your business.
Know where your FX risk is going
Access an easy-to-use tool that projects your FX risk position forward, signalling when you need to take action.
Using the latest FX risk management software, you can test hedging strategies and be clear about your exposure.
Built for New Zealand businesses
Designed for companies like yours, we're keeping FX risk management simple and cost-effective so you can focus on your day-to-day. Treasury Intelligence is the latest FX risk management software that will ensure you develop the right hedging strategies for your business and mitigate FX exposure.
Create and test alternative FX hedging strategies
Design and stress test the impact of different FX hedging strategies in order to effectively reduce FX risk and position your business for the future.
Evaluate your FX risk position
Gain a detailed view of your current and projected FX hedging positions against forecast exposures, outstanding FX orders and policy settings.
Understand your FX compliance needs
Get a simple summary of your hedging positions against policy limits.
Access proactive advice
Capture input from PwC New Zealand's FX risk management experts to assist in your decision making and provide confidence that your approach and strategy will achieve the desired outcome.
Getting started with Treasury Intelligence
Explore how Treasury Intelligence makes managing FX risk simple
Want to know more about our FX risk management tool? Request a demo.
Get in touch with us to find out more about how our FX risk management software, Treasury Intelligence, can work for you and your business.
Meet the team
To find out more about Treasury Intelligence and PwC New Zealand’s treasury advisory service, please get in touch with our team of FX risk management experts. Our team can work with you to understand how this FX risk management software can help you develop the right FX solutions and provide tailored recommendations.

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